Commissioned Celebrity Portraits (click on image to enlarge)


Alice_backstage.jpg (146916 bytes)  Stewart and me.jpg (174670 bytes)  David Brenner_webpage.jpg (336068 bytes)

          Alice Cooper with Ceravolo                  Rod Stewart with his 1st of three paintings                       David Brenner




me and Dorothy Lichtenstein.jpg (368031 bytes)  Me and Elton_Portrait_page_website.jpg (118715 bytes)  Me and Hef Portrait_web.jpg (189183 bytes)       

           Roy Lichtenstein Portrait                                        Elton John                                          Hugh M. Hefner

  Hef and Christie with painting web.jpg (729793 bytes)

  Monique Van Vooren           Hefner as young boy



 Other Paintings by Ceravolo (Click on image to enlarge)

 Wild Bill.jpg (629393 bytes)     Ceravolo_Wyatt_Earp_painting.JPG (186286 bytes)

"Double Wild Bill's"    53" x 80"                                   "Wyatt Earp" from the Legends of the Old West series of paintings. 



 Timothy_jordan.jpg (367324 bytes)    painting_Ty_cobb_coke.JPG (45301 bytes)   Baseball Email Joe D.jpg (540351 bytes) 

"Timothy Jordan" Brooklyn 1910, 66x48"                    Ty Cobb "Early Investments"                                                      "Joe D"   68" x 64"         



E-mail_Mystique.jpg (250576 bytes)  C-Cathy+open_jacket_72dpi_pinup.jpg (407869 bytes)  Ava72dpi_pinup.jpg (593664 bytes)

"Mystique"   50"x80"                                                                               "The Seduction" 72"x46"                                                                "Allure"  30"x40" 


Email Ceravolo working on The Silent Star painting web .jpg (549290 bytes)  Jackson Brown Palladium web.jpg (317933 bytes)  Bobby Jones web.jpg (693214 bytes)

Ceravolo working on "The Silent Star"                                    Jackson Brown at The Palladium                Bobby Jones Plays Atlantic   



New One of a kind Canvases from the Embrace series, inspired by Old Hollywood.


The Embrace web.jpg (503141 bytes)  Benjamin X web.jpg (594449 bytes)  Jimes and Marlene Web.jpg (740832 bytes)

    " Del Rio"                                                                                            "Benjamin X"                                       "James and Marlene"


Dove in Love web.jpg (595396 bytes) The Man and the moment web.jpg (1038477 bytes) Benjamin X detail 1 web.jpg (572003 bytes) 

"Dove in Love"                                                        "Man and the Moment"                       Detail "Benjamin X"  


The Man and the moment detail 1 web.jpg (816519 bytes)  Dove in Love detail web.jpg (773185 bytes)  The Embrace detail web.jpg (562248 bytes)

Detail "Man and The Moment"          Detail "Dove in Love"                       Detail "The Embrace"



Photography based commission portrait on canvas with 3D illusions 


 cathy portrait illusion detail 1 web.jpg (406458 bytes)   cathy portrait illusion web.jpg (715706 bytes)   cathy portrait illusion detail 2 web.jpg (535025 bytes)

 Detail 1                                                                           Full Canvas                   Detail


Click on the above images to enlarge




 Please contact us if you have any questions regarding the Artwork of Ceravolo. 631-726-2523




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